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i know the time is not right for us

i know the time is not right for us

because you are not here
and the dating apps are showing
only zeros
and rather than losing hope
i’m gaining clarity
about how i imagine a lasting love
comes about
it’s not about soulmates
or chemistry
it’s not ultimately about intention either
because intentions can change
as desires, goals, or objectives
there’s something more sustaining
in the love I am seeking
some admiration
and promise
that brings our trains alongside one another
and as we glide towards our destinations
we make slight adjustments
to our trajectories
and towards you
becomes my objective
i am not looking for a passenger
we are not seeking transport
to somewhere else
the moment we engage
our carbon is altered
as if a magnetic pull
has been engaged
and there is no current
to turn on or off
there is just



-date 2018

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