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cracking open


cracking open

into the hub of moments
slowing things down
word by word by letter by sound
the world passes by outside
fast furious and harsh
as i design roadmaps to keep a kid out of the ditch
our lives
as parents
as lovers
as descent human beings
is to be kind act kind show kindness
to those around us
even being attacked
the aikido master has love
to disarm not harm the agressor
in this case
i have disarmed and offered my plans and hopes
dreams will require actual hard work
not poems memes or platitudes about recovery
something is broken and trending downward
we imagine our powerlessness
our prayers more like mantras
it is in the action
toward something imaginable
a hope is aquired again
for a journey
a climb
a fight

this word
this poem
does nothing
putting my shoes on and heading out the door
is what i can control
is letting go of what’s next


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