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sugar response


sugar response

i seek highs
sugar response
physical phaseshift
sweet tart
in extreme measure
frappucino to the stars

i am evolving
a learning individual
learn ing not ed
losing and loss my new

hunger rush
hangry man
southern comfort food
cheese grits

with no gal bladder
fats become an issue
of substance
add rita
lose hyperthermic regulation
brain freeze
modern hunter gatherer
with an american express card
asking for income verification
at least once a week
now i lie
my credit report
knew i was fired before my linkedin profile
spreading lies about my vulnerability
this is not a ted talk
mine would be about single parenthood
as a path to enlightenment
through loss and shame

adult impulse control
buying water con gas
just add ice and garnish
cocktail mocktail mock me
in a sober life zesty less
the enemy is within
chemistry habit addiction


i’m in
student driver
please be patient
first with me
then with my belly

mom is no longer cooking
or influencing my choices
it took me until 45 to understand
pancakes and syrup
would not last an entire tennis match
or morning at elementary school
protein would help
or intermittent fasting
and maca powder
bullet-whipped smoothie
of superfood of joy

i am a chemistry set at christmas
eyes showing battery at 1%
a feral napper with a sour attitude
falling into hibernation
semi-conscious and released
i can taste one coming on
migraine or cat nap
hell and heaven
with white noise and


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