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losing resting recovering

losing resting recovering

i am
not prepared for sheryl crow to come
reconfigure my life
no matter how thrilling it would be
i’m good
right now
measuring the kingsize bed
with ample room to hold
my daughter’s doodle

i’m not certain about many things
but i do understand protecting my heart
my aspirations
my energy time air and space
i tell myself *like a mantra*
slow down
i rarely do

today is not the day for shenanigans
that was yesterday
if we did connect
on the outer rings of saturn
how would i accommodate her massive presence
devouring need for attention
and me

is it better
leaving most of them unpursued
wagging my tail alone

i don’t like asking for forgiveness
preferring to do all i can to help
and then
releasing at the first sign of struggle
at most
the second sign
what i know i do not need
additional emotional overhead
distracting me from my purpose

this is my purpose
this is my spout
tip me over
and i’m out


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