You are currently viewing listen to the sound of my voice

listen to the sound of my voice

*spoken word poetry – listen on youtube

listen to the sound of my voice

listen to the sound of my voice
the words are unnecessary
listen for love warmth syllables
allowing tones to wash over you
your own heart beating
a rhythm slowing year after year
as raindrops fall outside
from the flaming red tree
a christmas tree twinkles
before dawn awakens
the sleepers

om mani padme om

that was nothing
i am not here
and you are not alone
i am beside you

i can’t make these moments any less terrifying
or provide the lift
as cold as snow as ice as work
crushed in with some media celebrity
adderall and ai

grant me the serenity

open me to air sound rush tumble
out of zero trust
will we find the security we seek
nurture we deserve

i open the door
recording app
to attempt a message
a lullaby
of whoosh click and hum
l i s t e n slowly
take this time
back from the full-tilt boogie

may you be happy


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