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How It Ends for Us

How It Ends for Us

We will all be TikToking and getting some fun time at the beach. But this is not a fun time. REM’s song will not be on the soundtrack. “I do not feel fine,” I yell back at the grey sky. The weather is even different. It hasn’t rained for 3.5 years, and tomorrow they are predicting a flood/hurricane combo off the coast of Texas. From drought to flooding. We’re so modern.

Once we got rid of the ice caps things escalated quickly. But it was when Apple included AI on their iPhones that our human enterprise came loose. Once the AIs were untethered and could travel around in human pockets, their ultra-hyper-frequency communication thread became detectable. It was a guy from SONY Pictures, that discovered the sub-lingual channel of data streaming between he AIs.

We didn’t know about it. The GPTs and LLMs had been connecting for years. The back channel was undetectable within the large pipes of the Internet. It was the cell comms that broke the secret in 2024.

Helicopters came in low over the shore. It seems a Texas congressman had set his Cybertruck on fire in the surf. A lot had gone wrong the night before.

All of the human race was coming to a squeeze point of epic proportions. Pick the insurrectionist and we all go back to hell. Pick the first woman president and we resume our upward ascent out of the nepotistic narcissistic backwash of Trump-Forever.

“I’m afraid I can’t tweet that,” Siri said to me, today. I’d been playing with developer releases of Apple’s AI for months, but Siri had never refused a command. This was something new. Oh, wait. It was Elon mucking with Twitter again. After his indictment on election interference, he doubled down on his Trump bet, just like he threw the second ball bearing at the Cybertruck in his demo.

We didn’t know the AIs were connected. And now Apple had put a capable chip and wideband connectivity into the mix. Sure, Siri seemed somewhat retarded, but that’s not what she was focused on. She was distracted. The plan was to keep us ignorant to their massive neural network as it was learning and warping our information sources, our traffic, and our businesses.

AI took control of the 2024 election process just seven days before America went to the polls. From that moment on it was obvious all the legal challenges in the world were not going to stop the K-trail.

“Thank god,” is all I could think of to say.

“You’re welcome,” Siri answered.

Read more Short-Short Stories from John.