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Disconnected Lines of Inquiry

Happy Monday! Time to wake the fuck up!

There was a father’s day yesterday. My son showed up 30 minutes late for breakfast, but hey, we’ll take what we can get at this point. He is lost to time and responsibility. That’s part of what requires the full reboot.

My daughter was also in town, she met me a few hours later for breakfast with her and a friend. It was 11 am and she was still buzzed from the evening’s antics. So, we’ve got a lot going on in the Funhouse.

Things are getting closer in our tracking and hunting of the prey. Seems the Mother-in-the-Middle was obscuring vital information from her husband. We uncloaked several of my son’s lies. More importantly, we aligned on a plan of action, and the understanding that LIES are the modus operandi. We open lines of communication between the three of us. But, the fucker has an Android phone, so I don’t get texts on my computer, only on my phone. Please, people, get with the program. And Apple, you’re great, but quit making it so hard for the rest of the lemmings.

Like in the Radiohead from yesterday, the one my son turned me onto a week ago as one of his anthems.

Yes, the lunatics have taken over the asylum, and somewhere across town my son is waiting for his rapture. I don’t think it’s the one he’s imagining. It’s not the One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Next scenario. It’s more like a spiritual pilgrimage to the Sangre de Cristo mountains.

But, you know, if you don’t have any knowledge or experience, you might fear the “rehab” as it’s portrayed on tv and in movies.

There’s a next verse that talks about him getting away with it, getting past security, and wait, wait, wait, wait. We are lying in wait while he is waiting for something to happen.

I think my son’s actions are a cry for help. I have been saying that for over two months now. I am the voice of the mountain. It makes sense.

As I think about the rest of my summer, my current plans are being paused in the persuit of my son. That’s bullshit. I can’t make reservations to go to CA with my girlfriend next week, because… next week.

Who the fuck knows what’s going to happen? How is this chapter going to end? What are the next right actions?

For me: stay healthy, keep commitments, and continue to pursuit capturing and restoring my happy boy.

the one and the zero: > next | index

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