writenow group austin texas john mcelhenney

Welcome, let’s get started.

I’m starting an ACTIVELY WRITING SUPPORT GROUP for a limited number of special applicants.

Here’s the plan:

  1. monthly zoom calls to support your writing efforts (on demand, by request)
  2. affordable pricing ($50 per session) with outsized support for you
  3. 50% discount on future writing retreats (at the beach, in the mountains, overseas)
  4. direct feedback and interaction with your writing peers

I am building a #writingcommunity. We will critique each other’s writing. Give feedback. Share ideas and inspirations. In the process, we will produce a published book of our combined efforts: here is one I created for a poetry group: Five Friends on Sunday Afternoons. The group will be built on the foundations of writing, reading, editing, and performance.

I am planning to interview candidates to intiate this group with powerful and like-minded writers who are interested in changing the world. I will curate our first cohort based on objectives, the type of writing you’re interested in, and your experience. That’s it. Fairly easy. Transparent. Fun.

If you are interested in becoming a WriteNowGroup participant, please go HERE. I will review it personally and get back to you.

My writing has appeared all over the web.

john mcelhenney award-winning life coach

If you’ve still got questions about the group or how I can support your writing, email me directly at jm32austin at gmail dot com.

Thank You,


Feel free to visit my Amazon page and grab a book or two.

john mcelhenney on amazon