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up the mountain


up the mountain

if i want to get up the mountain
i’ve got to get a subaru
she said
stars on her doc martin hightops
how long it takes
when there is snow
even without the tourists
is dangerous
like friends
dialing us up after twenty years
a mini guide to the city
maps and coupons
and can i add fries
of course
i’ll print you a new receipt
blinking blues say
this is a happy place
we are glad you are here
15 20 25 percent
tip your heart
moment of truth
i have not been here one million years
only fraction
of my time
enjoyed with mountains and snow and blue blue blue
infinite sky
a chemical imbalance
creates both poets and heretics
red dot indian or feather indian
we’ve got both
a parlor trick of coincidence
of lifetimes blood and bloodlines
is occurring
with me passing through
pausing to admire
affirming my love
the actor and his two sons
are not here for the skiing
maybe it is the son who’s famous
not dark-haired dad
in ll bean duck boots
not good in snow
or slippery paths ahead
just one writer at a table
inventing epiphanies
to get beneath the cynicism
is it me
the fake pueblo
and silver tourquoise
art galleries selling
no-concept art by white women
for ten thousand dollars
by physical bodies
with opportunities for survival
to serve
i think it is the dad actually
plays a supporting role
on daytime television
the golden washed out of his bachelor
in an unrealistic darkness
that reminds me
of myself
and the chip
i seem to be carrying
smile and breasts
making sure i am well
piercing here and there and here and where
cared for
paid up
she keeps reading the menu
and looking for her partner
who has left to make the order
searching for her loss
she too escapes into the small main room
we’re all seeking something
naked and
in various forms
happiness reverie or love
i see their joy


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