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Reality Porn

Sexualization of everything has occurred. If you can think of it, there’s already porn of it. What are you thinking of right now?

I heard two men the other morning, talking in my nearby coffee shop.

“When you see them, ask yourself, ‘Would you pay fifty bucks to see them naked’ and go from there.”

Ridiculous. Everyone knows porn is free. What losers.

What is it about our modern lives that has crushed the moral code of our forefathers? The porn has warped our minds, given us new genders, new genres, new kinks and sqee. That’s a kink that you find gross. Sqee. Your welcome. A Billion Wicked Little Thoughts – the reference.

What are we looking for in real life? What about porn? What are we looking for in porn? I know you don’t want to talk about this. Most of us don’t. Do. But don’t say we do. Men and women. Do. You may not, but you’d be the rarity. I mean, it’s free. DDF. Quick.

As you become an old man you learn stuff. When a guy told me how men should ejaculate 20 times a month I thought he was pulling my … leg. Google that. It’s studied truth. Science. So, next time the *Morning Wood Farie* blesses you, do your best. Worth a shot.

Worrying about young women is counterproductive. Here’s what I do. Anyone more than ten or so years younger than me is off-limits. It must be nice for them not to be chased or prodded. I think of them like my daughter. You know, once you have a daughter smoothly-shaven pussies become a turnoff. I hear the big bush is making a comeback. I don’t have the data on that one.

What’s your preference?

How do you consume your joy?

A misdirect you may say, I get it. And I agree. I want you focused on the little red birdie in my hand so you don’t notice my little red… I must be too high to write. Dammit.

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