Not Much of a Drinker (developing a taste)

100% agave

Not Much of a Drinker (developing a taste)

I’m a bit high as I type this on my MBP on one IPA with an ABV of 7.1% and let me say, I get it. Not being a drinker myself, I’m beginning to understand a bit more of the draw. Let me restate, I’m not *much* of a drinker, but I’d have to confess to a growing affinity for a certain Añejo tequila from a famous movie star.

It was about six years ago (maybe seven) when I was going to rendezvous with an old flame (first – sixth grade, actually) who invited me to come to visit her in a nearby town, about four years after our first attempt at reacquainting ourselves. That first run didn’t work because her daughter was a star volleyball player and traveling all the time. And mom was wrapped up in that, as she should be. Years later, using our Facebook connection, I said hello again. She said sure why not. And I was on my way.

Again, not being much of a drinker, I asked the cashier at the liquor store what tequila he recommended. I bought a smallish bottle of the Blanco. Sitting on the back porch of her house, for the first time, tasting this fire water, I was stunned that I didn’t want a lime and salt as a chaser. “Hmm,” I said, “This is really good.”

We proceeded to get a bit lit up, but I don’t think we kissed. She gave me her daughter’s bed, she was away at a friend’s house. In the morning it was all business between us. She had errands, I had to get back to the city. I tried one more time, this time bringing a bigger bottle, but it didn’t work out. She had other agenda items and kept pushing out our meetup until the 5 – 6 o’clock traffic deterred me from another visit. She vanished as quickly as she had appeared. Her daughter was heading to college after the summer, but the effort to see if maybe she’d have me back out was too much. Okay, next.

On my next date, with a younger woman, when I was finally invited in, I came with Añejo and it was understood that I would not be driving back to the city. The rest was a blur. But the new established fact (still not a drinker) was that I did have a taste for this caramel-infused tequila. Almost addictively so. But that wasn’t going to be my drug of choice, I think that still sex.

The tequila was a nice social lubricant, actual lubrication was much more exciting. Still is. Yes, I have a bottle of tequila on the top of my refrigerator. I also have about eight bottles of red wine that have been there for a year. I’m still not a big drinker, but if you ask me, I’ll offer a shot of tequila without hesitation. I’d still say, I’m new to drinking. But I do know that 100% agave will give you less of a hangover.

Read more Short-Short Stories from John.