I Write (to prove something)

readers in America

I Write (to prove something)

I write to prove she was wrong. I write to show my high school class I was smarter than them. I write to get even. I write when I’m happy. I write when I’m sad. I write when I’m hungry. I don’t write when I’m depressed. I write to be loved. I write to find enlightenment, even in my own little sliver of the universe. I write because I love you. I write to tell you a secret. I write to remember. I write to make my ex-lovers understand I was the one that got away. I write to keep myself happy. I write to open up new veins. I write when I’m optimistic. I don’t write when I’m high or drunk. I write to show my mom what a good writer I am. I write poetry because sometimes the words, language, syntax, get in the way. I write to tell you how much I care. I write hoping you will listen. I write knowing that you will never read it. I write anyway. I write always. I write when I’m tired, but it’s harder. I write when I’ve had a great cup of coffee, sometimes bursting into a random song. I write to leave something behind. I write to explain to my kids what happened in the divorce. I write to my grandkids. I write to my long-lost cat, Peter. I write because you can’t. I write to keep myself company. I write in the silences. I’m writing in my mind. I am physically tapping on keys and these words just keep coming. I write hoping you will join me on a journey. I write with the scientific fact that most people will never read a book once they’re out of high school. You’re different. I write for you.

Read more Short-Short Stories from John.