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Every Moment’s A Little Bit Later

SRSLY! Private aircraft are zipping around at all hours of the night. They don’t have to book tickets, merely call up the pilot and the tower. “We’re going to Cancun this evening.” My daughter missed this trip because her passport had expired. She was babysitting a neurodiverge. Poor kid. The charge, not my daughter, she’s doing great. Conversely… Naw, let’s just leave him out of this chapter altogether.

I’m on the verge of something great. I can feel it. Can you feel it?

You should not doctor yourself. My dad was a doctor and he was terrible at taking care of himself or his children. Never met his grandkids. Shit, neither have I. (LOL) None exist that I know of. Did I mention my daughter is going to the Philippines? An exchange student thing with nurses and borders or something. That’s with 3 p’s. I always forget the third one. I’m a creative speller. Thank got for autocorrect.

That’s some meta-shit, right?

Is Grammarly using AI? I mean, am I using AI to help me write if I’m using AI? I don’t want AI’s help at all. Crap, does that mean spellcheck is AI too? Autocorrect is not that great. It’s been getting worse, I hear. Seems like a lot of people are feeding the AIs bullshit. On purpose. Nightshade it’s called. A poison from the olden days. Now an artist movement to kill generative art by AI. I think that’s okay. I don’t like the fluffy fuzzy AI images.

I mean, I’m not anti-robot or anything. I read Asimov. I know the three laws. But, I’m not really sure about this captcha thing. Turns out they are using us, humans, as filters for images of stuff. Identify all the cars in these pictures. No, Mr. Schwarzenegger I’m not going to do your job. Please.

And then, they say “AI is not coming for your jobs.” Bro! Look around. All of my creative friends are looking for jobs. Me included. Shit.

We are at a delicate time in democracy’s history if you believe the mainstream news media.

What was this supposed to be about?

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