Drinks Unhinged (and singing)

belmont park california

Drinks Unhinged (and singing)

I almost didn’t recognize your best friend since she wasn’t in tennis attire, and she was standing outside LazyEye coffee shop in Belmont Part waiting for them to open at 7 am. But her hair and somewhat manic eyes flashed as I drove by. Always a bit inviting in a slippery vortex of madness way. You kinda want to try it, once.

I wonder what she’s doing up here in San Diego? And then I thought of you. How tennis and drinking were our primary connections. And when one went the other was sure to follow. But it was always this friend of yours that made things feel a bit unhinged. Like one more round of Fireballs and we’d all end up in the hot tub naked and kissing. Not in my trajectory. So, I quietly escaped the rising volume of the karaoke fun. I was with the person I want to be naked with.

And the next day, she was rescued by EMS on the court. It was hotter than hell. What were we doing playing a tournament in Texas in the middle of the summer? At least there was the breeze off the Gulf of Mexico. The next day was always going to be a disaster. Not really my bag.

I parked the dilapidated Prius-C and walked back to The LazyEye but she was gone.

Read more Short-Short Stories from John.