You are currently viewing crickets




alone with crickets and butterflies
on this radical morning of joy
there’s nothing else to explain it
i’ve gone stark raving mad
unable to put my finger on the exact time
what timeline
i only know this
happiness can’t be so easy
unless you’re not paying attention
filipe is the name of all frogs
i’m sure you knew that
my front garden is full of filipes
they appreciate my daily watering cycle
anticipate it like the weather
this morning’s storm was a bit late
pepe is the name of all spiders
the massive wolf spider hovers above my recycle bin
we chat
he hasn’t answered back
and now that you mention it
neither have any of the filipes
dino is the name of all lizards
lots of dinos running all over the place
up the driveway
into the potted ornamental grasses
up the side of the house
i wonder about a girl i knew in first grade
and the several touchpoints we’ve had since then
in this dream she has reconnected and offers her digits
what could we possibly learn from each other
she’s been single since her daughter was born
rugged beautiful solo mom
pulling historical strings and memories i can’t fathom
what would we
is there



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